Saturday, August 30, 2014

It's all in a name

Remember CJ's adoption story? 

Well guess what?! 
Those Reece's Rainbow Angel Tree ornaments were of three beautiful children, including my Angel Tree Angel "Susan". I knew Susan had a forever family a few weeks ago and tonight her family was highlighted on the website's Facebook page as they reached another milestone in the process.  

As I looked through their blog I not only got to see updated pictures but God's crazy and well thought out plan added another chapter. Not only do we live only a few hours apart BUT GUESS WHAT THEY ARE NAMING HER!?!  Same spelling and everything!  Hope I get the chance to share the news with Thing 1. 

I had the wonderful chance to connect with her new mom via social media tonight. God is so amazing!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

'Twas the night before the first day of school...

As I lay here the night before the first day of school, I realize it is not just any new school year. It's not just the seventh new school year of me teaching. It is the first night before school of me being a mom. Not only 100% mine, don't have to share, always forever mom; but mom of a kid with special needs. A teacher of kids who CJ could be just like in six years. A teacher whose partner teacher is welcoming eight Kindergarten students with nervous parents into the elementary school setting tomorrow. A mom who so very soon will be on the other side of the fence for first day of preschool, first day of Kindergarten and just first day of new caretakers of my child. 

I am beginning THIS school year not worrying about how many side hugs I give or how messy my handwriting is in the communication notebook. I am beginning this school year as a mom who just happens to also be a teacher.